Deep Dive: Research & Development 2023

Welcome to a new year for pharmaphorum’s Deep Dive! While we may only be two months into 2023, amid growing pressure to justify high drug prices, address trial backlogs, and manage staffing shortages – while continuing to develop lifesaving treatments for patients around the world, life sciences companies have certainly started the year off with a bang.

Not that drugmakers have been deterred. In fact, with news that the US may be on the cusp of approving the world’s first CRISPR gene therapy, there are clear signs that innovation in R&D remains a guiding light for companies as they navigate an uncharted and uncertain industry landscape.

Inspired by the dedication shown by researchers working to drive developments in the lab, here at Deep Dive we too are looking to kick off 2023 with a renewed determination to bring you the biggest and most influential stories from across the life sciences. So, it seems only fitting that we begin with an issue dedicated to the innovators and ideas set to disrupt the status-quo over the coming months.

In this edition, find out how organ-on-a-chip technology is changing the way that drugs can be evaluated, learn about efforts to champion diversity in clinical trials, and get an inside look at key R&D trends straight from the mouths of industry leaders.

We are also thrilled to bring you a new format for the magazine. In our ’12 questions with’ features, we will get to know the people behind life sciences headlines in order to find out more about those leading the charge for the future of healthcare.

For all this and more, read on.


Eloise McLennan – editor, Deep Dive

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Market Access (April 2023)

  • Bringing DTx to patients
  • A history of HIV treatments


Catch up on recent issues:

Digital Health – November 2022
Patients & Partnerships ­­– October 2022


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