Deep Dive: Digital Health Innovation 2020

Most of the digital health experts we spoke to for this issue of Deep Dive made one thing clear – with the future constantly in flux, it’s important that pharma companies remain adaptable and innovative. If they can do that, there are myriad opportunities to thrive even amongst the confusion of COVID-19.

In this issue we hone in on some of the tech that is set to change healthcare forever – including VR, AI and digital therapeutics – and look at how pharma can best harness them.

We also examine how the pandemic is affecting digital sales, patient support programmes and HCP consultations, and speak to some exciting digital start-ups that are bringing new ways of managing health into systems like the NHS – who tells us how small companies can overcome the challenges of these complex environments.

I hope you’re all staying safe in these unpredictable times!


George Underwood editor, Deep Dive

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Next issue: Patients & Partnerships
• 2020 in review & predictions for 2021
• Boosting clinical trial recruitment
• Overcoming low adoption of patient support services


Catch up on recent issues:

Communications – September 2020
The Future of Oncology – July 2020
Market Access: Breaking Barriers – June 2020
R&D Disruption – February 2020


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